What is Reiki & Why You Should Try It.

To believe or not to believe, that is the question.

That question is fundamental, as the mind controls how we react to the things we experience. 

If we think that something won’t work, quite simply, it won’t. If we actually paid attention to all of the things we encounter on a daily basis, we would realize how much our mood influences the way we react to these experiences. Think about being very excited about an event and being happy to attend. Normally, we have a positive experience. Think about something that we dread, like a company holiday party. Most of the time, we end up not having a good time. The way we experience Reiki can be quite similar. 

What exactly is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese energy healing treatment that “lays hands” on the body at certain energy points. The belief is that the body is made up of a life force energy and when that energy is low, we have problems. When our energy level is high, we feel happy and content emotionally and physically. Daily life is demanding and stressful and can drain our energy if we don’t practice self-care. Many of us do not feel we have time or are too busy taking care of others to focus on ourselves. This is where Reiki can come in handy. Reiki can induce deep relaxation, relieve stress, aid the body’s natural healing process, and improve emotional well-being. 

A treatment session consists of laying on a table with eyes closed in a peaceful setting. The practitioner usually will also use soothing music and aromatherapy. Over the course of 30 or 60 minutes, the practitioner will move from the head to feet either laying hands on or slightly above energy points in the body. That’s it. Nothing crazy, very similar to getting a massage except there is no pressure or “massage” on the skin. The worst thing that will happen during the session is relaxing so much and falling asleep. Going into it with an open mind can produce more than just relaxation. 

Evidence exists of the benefits of Reiki. The National Institute of Health and many other reputable institutions have documented the effects in their research. Reiki has been shown to help people with cancer, heart disease, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, neurodegenerative disorders, and postoperative pain. In fact, many hospitals in bigger cities now offer Reiki during recovery or inpatient stays to assist in healing. So, what’s the worst that can happen? Quite simply, nothing. Reiki can provide 30 or 60 minutes of peace and relaxation from a stressful and demanding day.


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